Monday, 24 August 2015


I am black as the night.
All encompassing darkness.
A consciousness awake.
A Life consumed.

I am broken once again.
Almost whole.
Almost white.
Scattered once again.

I am at the centre.
I am the center.
This universe exists through me.
I am this Universe.
And the Next.

As I am everything else in it.
And beyond it.

The creator and the destroyer.
The actor and the audience.
The master and the slave.
The book and its author.

I am It,
And It is I.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Good Night Timey Wimey.

Close your eyes love,
enough of this darkness.
Let us rise to light again,
Let's fall in love again.

Hold on to me,
while we drift away.
Into the unknown sea,
wake into another day.

Dream on now,
we're almost there.
Together as we imagined,
breaking into the dawn.

Close your eyes love,
Let me hold you.
Nothing more to fear,
The daybreak is finally here.