Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Shadows crept into
The land of possibilities
It was a subtle struggle
Not a battle or war
Just an event hardly noticed
legend says
The king never fought
The shadows let him believe
It was a part of growing up
And when he realized
He was fat and lazy
Accustomed to the ways
of the many
Yet he awaits the day
Filled with hope and despair
Look at the dusty old throne
That once possessed the power
A power unrivaled
A universe unchallenged
He lives at the tavern now
ale and women plenty
Shadows played the melody
a dirty trick
Only the crown remains
On a filthy old stick

Friday, 14 December 2012


How do I capture any moment in a day? Record it as it happened.  Associate feelings along with it so that we can experience the same feeling over and over at our convenience. One of the many things I'm looking forward to in this life.Ever felt like re-living the past?
We all have had that moment of madness at which point we're ready to give up anything for another glimpse of what had been. I'm not talking about memories or photographs. Or a reading a note describing all the events accurately.
Imagine a situation where you can,  maybe press a button, and relive an entire episode of the past. Experience the same feelings and emotions all over again. Happiness, sorrow, anticipation, hope and the million other emotions that can't be described in words. The power to go through it all again.

Hold your hand once more,
Hold you tight being apart,
Speak through our eyes,
And walk through our lives.
Remember all the mindless conversations,
Enact the scripted play,
Go over a thousands suns,
And still wait for another one.
Go back to the places
And hold on to the little things
Run through the deserted streets
Of cities we built in past.
Feel your breath
Your first touch
In my arms
All over again.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Act 1 scene 1

The hard part is to start. Everything else just follows. I have the potential but despise the fear. The fear of failure.  I have seldom achieved greatness, appreciation. Maybe in another universe I'm the epitome of perfection.  But I trade my skills in this one. Here I am just a speck. Hardly noticed, mostly ignored.
What am I good at? Been asking this to myself all my life. What is it that I'm waiting to change my life. To awaken my inner beast or kill it completely. To wake up one morning and never sleep again. Be enlightened.
I follow the only road I see ahead. The path trampled by the many travellers it carried to cities unknown. I follow without doubt, for I believe my destination is where I stop.  Now when I think about it, where do I stop?
I am still young. Yet to fight the greater battles of life. Never used the pike and talking about horrors of war. But what am I fighting for? Who wins if I lose? Infinite questions for a simple answer.
So I'm back on my path. I'm walking again. I don't want to miss out anything.  Maybe a detour waits ahead. Or an escape rope. And maybe, just maybe, I shall take it.

Thursday, 6 December 2012


I, my mortal being
Waited for you
Oh divine thee
Always present
By my Side
Always with
That beautiful smile
Your voice
I longed for
Always did
Still do
Come back sooner
Hold me closer
Can't wait no longer
I'll wait forever

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Alive I think I am
Awake I never was
Amid a circling chaos
Asleep I sing a song
Song of the night
Played in the day
The words we seldom hear
Are the ones keeping us alive
Living in the past
Zombie of the present
Holding on to the spoils
Of a war hard fought but forgotten
Incomplete and Half-done
Have been and to be.