Wednesday, 6 June 2012


fading hope and forgotten dreams,
cursed and broken frames.
weighing happiness and guilt,
on a scale built to tilt.
laughing at life
for its dirty little trick.
gathering dust on a guitar half-played.
singing to a maddening crowd,
of statues in solitude, aloud.

The Aftermath.

waking up to reality from a dream half-lived.
i can write about it, but whats it worth to anybody else.
you probably never realize the value of smaller things in life.
nobody does.
why does it hurt to sit still?
to not.
it hurts.
it hurts to quit trying.
to give up half way.
to look into the mirror and know that you weren't half as good as you thought to be.
and to know that you can never be

Sunday, 3 June 2012

The End

Is it the end, I ask myself.
End of an era, beginning of a lifetime?
Dreams don't die, they jus change to accommodate life.
Time to move on, to bigger better things but..
How do I replace the passion, the thrill, the rush?
once again beaten and put down.
Maybe life with its twisted sense of justice is trying to tell me something.
Amid this chaos I try to listen.